Dinner Church Update

Hi New Way!

There are a few date changes for Dinner Church I need to let you know about:

Test Run Dinner Church: Sept. 25 at 6pm
First Public Dinner Church: Oct. 9  at 6pm

The Test Run date is for members of New Way and their guests to run through the steps of the Dinner Church from start to finish.  The first public date for Dinner Church is Oct. 9th!

If you have any questions, …

Dinner Church Training

We’re getting geared up for Dinner Church! There will be a training that everyone is invited to on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 7:30pm. Even if you don’t plan on being at dinner church, come to the training so you’ll know what it’s all about. There will be a meet and greet with Chef Jesse as well!


Back to School Bash

It’s on like donkey kong! This back to school bash is just what the youth need after the first week of school. There will be a big waterslide, water balloons, sliders, chips, games and more!! Grades 7-12 and even college aged are welcome to youth group.

This WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 from 6:30-8pm!!


Akron Zoo Trip

Join New Way at the Akron Zoo!!

It’s an August One Day Wonder: Akron Zoo, Sunday Aug. 28 after church! Zoo members are free and can come and go as needed with their pass.

Discounted rate (possible with a minimum of 15 paid tickets): adults are $10 and kids(2-12) are $7. Parking is $3 per vehicle. Kids under 2 are free.

Purchase tickets by Aug 21: Please pay to New Way UMC mentioning it … Read more...

Sunday, July 24th in the Park

This Sunday (July 24, 2022) at Richville Park! You and the kids will have a blast!! And you read that right, the sledge-o-matic is making it’s return!! The kids will learn how animals help people from other countries survive….and yes…we will have live animals!!

Kids Adventure camp is from 3:30-5:30pm and then food trucks, free ice-cream, music and more from 6-7:30pm. Sign your kids up today at this link: https://forms.gle/DQz6xnRbhmvvVWj6A

And please share this info …

Evening Service Reboot

Hi New Way Friends!

Sunday evening, June 26th, it was announced to the evening service about a major reboot.  Effective immediately, the evening service is on hold until the reboot is complete. 

Why the reboot?  Since covid, the evening service has not bounced back as we thought it would.  As we talked, it was easy to see that people wanted to see the church full and reach new people to share the gospel of … Read more...

Akron Rubber Ducks Night!

Join New Way for a night at the ball park!! July 8th, the Rubber Ducks take on the Altoona Curve. And fireworks after the game!! Tickets are $12 and kids 3 and under are free. Must sign up and pay by June 20th.


Yard Work Day

Family work day at church this Saturday, May 14! Help pull weeds, landscape and who knows what else. Starts at 10am!


Now what?

Have you ever had a great experience and then asked yourself, “Now what?” We just celebrated Easter and you might be asking yourself the same questions. I bet even the disciples asked themselves that question too. Good news is that Jesus gave us the “next steps”. He said, “therefore, go”! We’ll be looking at the commandments Jesus asked us to teach others and spread the news of God’s love. Stop in to New Way on … Read more...