We hope you stay healthy and have blessed Christmas!! We would love to hear from our members and friends. Please reply to this email or call me at 330-418-6060 if you have any prayer concerns or needs. If you need anything at all please don’t hesitate to contact us!
ADULTS: W.E. Groups -WhenEver, WhereEver-meet with a small group of your church family to talk about life and have a small devotional. If you are interested email [email protected]
YOUTH MEMBERSHIP: Sign up with Jenny Brown-Zukas if you have a youth 8th grade or older. [email protected]
KIDS: Pirates(PreK-6 grade) every Wednesday at 7:15pm EST on Facebook and Youtube.
ALL: Begin your new year off by joining us in the 2021 New Testament Reading Plan with Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer (SOAP) reading notes.
PRAYER/DEVOTION: Thursday at 7:00pm EST on Facebook Live.
LOVE GOD. LOVE PEOPLE: Continue the Saint Nicholas challenge by blessing people with random acts of kindness or selfless acts of love. Hold the door open, give a compliment, send a card, deliver a little treat, recycle (all those delivery boxes), return your grocery cart or shovel a neighbor’s snow are just a few ideas!
DONATE: Reverse Advent Calendar, collect an item each day to donate to the New Way Food Cupboard.
SURPRISE: Would you like to join in on the fun of “Ding Dong Ditching” some of our New Way members? Contact Cassie at 330-417-9231 to learn more!
Prayers for Week of December 27
December 27 Pray for People Watching New Way Today
December 28 Pray to Share God’s Love with Others
December 29 Pray for God’s Armor of Protection
December 30 Pray for Compassion
December 31 Thank God for All Your Blessings This Past Year
January 1 Pray for a Blessed 2021
January 2 Pray for a Healthy New Year